Monday, December 29, 2008

now and then

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas! Connor still doesn't quite get it, but he did say "Santa bring toys" quite a bit. Next year should be a lot of fun for him! He made out like a bandit, we've practically grown out of house and home, but it was so fun watching him open everything. He loves his new art board, tool bench and new Thomas bike. :)

fun with dad!

Kevin and Connor showing off their new tricks (and tee's). I think they may be joining the circus here shortly!

Christmas Eve fun!

We spent Christmas Eve at my sister's house and Connor and Evelyn had a blast together. Evelyn shared her kitchen and baby stroller, Connor shared his tool bench and they ended the evening jumping in Evelyn's bed. Doesn't get any better than that!

Monday, December 15, 2008

i like my oreos!

our visit to santa

Connor wasn't too keen on visiting santa this year. He seemed to do fine though once I sat there with him. He was OBSESSED with the giant snowman that was hanging out over by santa and the reindeer and followed him throughout the store. Pretty funny.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ready for winter

Connor wouldn't wear this hat all summer but now that it's freezing out it's the only hat he wants to wear. Go figure.

thanksgiving 2008

We don't have a lot of pictures from Thanksgiving this year but here's one of Kevin's turkey. It was delicious!

all my guys

Connor loves to play in his crib these days, jumping, dancing, and he HAS to have all of his guys in there with him. I've been lucky enough to be invited in as well. :)

the Hef's

We had the boys spend the night a couple weeks ago and finally got a picture of the three of them in their matching robes. Too cute!