Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We had the whole clan over for Thanksgiving this year, 25 of us. Thank goodness for auto timers!

Monday, November 26, 2007

fun pictures

sweet dreams

We found Connor sleeping like this a few days ago. Guess he was dreaming about crawling...


Suzie, John and Evelyn went to Colorado for Thanksgiving so we had a little pre-Thanksgiving a few days before so we could all celebrate. Evelyn was trying to teach Connor how to balance on his belly without hands but Connor didn't quite catch on.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

2 teeth!

So by the time I get around to posting the picture of his first tooth, he sprouts a second one! You can see them pretty well in this picture.


Halloween was a lot of fun this year! Connor hung out with cousins Evelyn (Hershey's Kiss), Kyle (Spiderman) and Luke (Black Ninja). He went trick-or-treating too, but only made it to 2 houses before falling asleep!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

hangin' out with my family

bath time

Cute picture of Connor after a bath. You can kind of see his teeth if you look hard.

first halloween party

Madison Smith had Connor over on Saturday for his first costume party! He started out somewhat happy in his bumble bee costume, but once we made it over to Madison's he started getting really hot and not so happy. Poor bubba!