Tuesday, February 19, 2008

what we've been up to

Since it's been a while since I've posted, here's a quick summary of of his happenings:

- tooth number 8 popped through, he now has the top and bottom 4 teeth
- cruising, not a bunch but we are headed in the right direction
- he has some new "tricks", showing you his tongue when you ask him,
showing you how big he is by raising his hands above his head when you ask him, snapping (or at least he thinks he is), clicking his tongue, and playing with the water in his sippy cup by taking a drink then spitting it out everywhere

cute/funny pictures

Here are some cute pictures. Connor's face in the picture of he and Kevin just cracks me up!

yup, that's a turtleneck

We've had Connor in a couple turtlenecks lately, but realized that you can't really tell he's wearing one with that chin of his. Poor bubba!

big boy car seat

Connor moved to his big boy car seat a few weeks ago and with that came his favorite past time, sucking on the chin strap of his hat. And as you can see, he's still able to fall asleep in it just fine.

bath time fun!

So finally I'm getting something else on here besides the picture of him picking his nose! Here are some cute pictures of Connor in the bath sporting his mohawk. He's about ready for haircut #4!